The TS EDCET 2022 Counselling has been released by the Telangana State Council of Higher Education. For admission to a two-year B.Ed degree program for the academic years 2022–2023, candidates who passed the TS Ed.CET–2022 Examination must take part in web-based counselling.
Schedule for TS EdCET 2022 Web Counseling Round 1:
- Online registration and certificate uploading will take place from October 18 to 26, 2022.
- Certificate verification dates are October 18 to October 26, 2022.
- The list of eligible students will be announced on October 28, 2022.
- Entry deadline for Web Options: October 28 to 30, 2022.
- Seat Allotment Date: November 4, 2022
- The reporting dates to the assigned college are November 5 to November 11, 2022.
- Classes will begin on November 14, 2022.
The window for online registration, verification, online payment, and uploading scanned copies of certificates for verification will be open from October 18, 2022 to October 26, 2022.
The direct link for the TS EDCET 2022 online certificate validation and verification is provided below.
As per the schedule, applicants must sign up for the TS EDCET counseling. After registration, the list of applicants will be shown. Additionally, the TS EDCET Provisional Merit List will be made available.
On November 4, 2022, a list of the applicants who have been tentatively selected for Phase 1 will be created and posted online.
On November 14, 2022, after the TS EDCET 2022 counseling is over, classes will start.
Results for the TS EDCET 2022 were previously announced on August 26, 2022.
The exams were held on the 26th and 27th of July, 2022. Osmania University in Hyderabad conducts the Telangana State Education Common Entrance Test (TS EDCET), a state-level entrance examination. For entry into Telangana State colleges’ traditional 2-year B.Ed programs, an exam is held each year.
Counseling for the TS EDCET 2022 is conducted entirely online. The participating B.Ed colleges in Telangana accept applicants who pass the TS EDCET exam for admission to their B.Ed programs. The admission process for B.Ed. programs will involve several counseling sessions.
The distribution of seats for the TS EDCET will be determined by the category, rank, and number of available seats. Just a few days after the written test results are disclosed, the merit list is made public, and applicants are required to check their names. Candidates are invited to the TS EDCET 2022 counseling if their names are on the merit list. Everyone who has been accepted must take part in the TS EDCET counseling process in 2022. Only after having paid the required fee and had their documentation verified will candidates be permitted to participate in TS EDCET web counseling.
TS EDCET 2022 Counseling Document Checklist (Online Upload)
The following documents, which will be needed during the TS EDCET 2022 counseling process, must be in the possession of the candidates:
- Qualifying exam degree certificate
- Class XIIth mark sheet
- Class Xth mark sheet
- Study certificates (from IXth class till graduation)
- Residence certificate
- Income certificate (for candidates seeking admission under the Economically Weaker Section {EWS} category)
- Transfer certificate
- Identity proof (Aadhar Card)
- Special category certificate (NCC/Sports/PwD/CAP)
- Caste certificate (from a competent authority)
- Recent self-attested photo (2 sets)
- Photocopies of all the above-mentioned certificates
TS EDCET 2022 Counselling Fee
The candidates must pay the necessary TS EDCET 2022 counseling fee when registering for the counseling process in order to participate:
- Unreserved/OBC: INR 800/
- SC/ST: INR 500/
Spot Admission Counseling for the TS EDCET 2022
The following are some crucial details about the TS EDCET 2022 counseling via the spot admissions process.
- For the purpose of filling openings under institutional spot admissions, those colleges involved in the counseling process may be taken into consideration.
- The qualified applicants are urged to carefully review the detailed notice provided by the relevant institutions for the open positions, which will be published in one of the top newspapers in the area.
- On the specific date listed in the newspapers, the aspirant candidates must attend the counseling for spot admission.
- Based on their performance in the TS EDCET 2022 for admission to B.Ed, applicants from the relevant category may fill the vacant seats.
- Candidates must present all original certificates before being admitted, and one copy of each must be submitted at the time of admission confirmation.
- Any deviation will be seriously considered, and such admissions won’t ever be verified.
- Indian citizens who have completed the TS ED CET 2022 are eligible to apply.
FAQs about the TS Ed CET counselling procedure
Admissions on institutional spots are open to colleges that take part in the counseling process. On the date listed in the newspapers, applicants must attend the counseling session for spot admission. Authorities may fill open seats for admission to the B.Ed program from the appropriate category of candidates who qualified in the TS EDCET 2022.
The first choice open to applicants is to accept and take part in the TS EDCET seat allocation process. If the conducting authority permits it, candidates who want to move on to the next selection round may ask for an upgrade. They can opt out of the TS EDCET admissions process as their final option. In addition to losing their current allotment, applicants who decide to withdraw are prohibited from taking part in any further counseling sessions.
If the candidate withdraws from the TS EDCET 2022 counseling, the tuition fee will be reimbursed. The entire tuition will be refunded if the candidates drop out after the first round. They will receive 50% of the total if they leave before the cancellation cutoff date listed in the allotment order but after the final phase.
For seat allocation during TS EDCET 2022 web counseling, only applicants who use their web options on the specified dates will be taken into consideration. Aspirants can download their seat allocation letter after having their documents verified by the college they have been assigned during the seat allocation process.
Candidates from the unreserved categories must pay a processing fee of about Rs 800, while candidates from the SC/ST category must pay about Rs 500.